Thursday, August 28, 2008


kk, before i go into my latest 'epic' i feel compelled to tell u about a dream i had, well 1 of them anyways. Maybe i will put up some of my weird dreams in a post later on, anyway back onto this dream.

it all started 2 years ago, that's when it hit, that's when the world began to end...

"DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!" the car screeched around the corner, three people sat anxiously in the car; me, my older sister, and my younger brother. I was at the wheel.

i didn't know what we were running from, i just knew i had to run, it was the only thing i could do, it was the only thing i knew how to do.

after around ten minutes of speeding through suburban ruins it all went black...

the house was old, covered in spiderwebs and dust, the eastern side had been burnt down, any shelter would do. we went upstairs to look for beds...

i was a cold night, but i still slept well, until my mobile rang. i stared at it; who could be ringing, who else has survived, and how would they get my number? i picked it up...

"hello... ...hello, is Nathan there?" a voice came fuzzing in and out.

"uh, yes, this is Nathan, who the fuck is this?"

"oh thank god! Nathan, you don't have much time, i have a message..., you don't have much time, it is almost there, you need to run, go!"

a female voice started coming through the line.

"Nathan.. that you?... ...I've got another important message for you..."

"who is this?"

"I am... ...I am... ...i a..."


"I... ...I w... I will eat you through your hands... I will eat you through your hands, i will eat you through your hands"

the voice just kept on repeating that message. it had found us, i needed to run.

i went and woke up my sister and brother, "we need to go, NOW!".
i searched frantically through my torn backpack for the car keys, they weren't there...

"i will eat you through your hands..."

the voice didn't come from the phone, it was coming from downstairs. we went silent. footsteps on the stairs got closer and closer. i looked out the doorway, pitch black, nothing.

i slowly got up, only one thing to do...

"run, never stop, or it will get you"

i walked slowly through the doorway, slowly my eyes adjusted to the dark. Standing in the middle of the room was a woman with messy black hair, and a long dress. i walked up to her.

"i will eat you through your hands" her arms jerked up and grabbed my wrists, i couldn't get her to let go, she just kept on repeating those words.

she released my right hand and slowly moved over to the other. her long nails went through my flesh with ease, she grabbed a chunk of flesh from my hand, the pain was excruciating, she lifted the bloody mess to her mouth and shoved it in her mouth, she slowly took more and more flesh out of my arm, only taking it through the first hole she made, i grew faint from pain and loss of blood quickly.

i woke up, silence and dark. after five minutes of lying there, my hands numb. then my mobile rang, no shit, i almost shat myself.

anyway, enough of that, back to the reason for this post, an update to the story (epic) from my first post.


The caves were safety, but these caves were not the reason why these adventurers had come up into these mountains, it was time to move on.

the travellers decided to go home, back to their repetitive live, it was a hard choice to make, but they had no reason to stay up in the mountains anymore, it was time to return, and return they did. sometimes they would go up to the fringes of the crater, to watch it burn, to look back on what had been a heaven on earth.

the visits became few and far between as time went on, eventually MSI was just a spark in the back of their minds, but MSI was far from gone. A phoenix never dies, a hero never gives up.

Eventually the fires went out, nothing was left to burn, the land of MSI was empty, a gap in time.

the travelers noticed that the smoke had stopped, they started talking about MSI again. was there anything left there? They decided to go back.

nothing, there was nothing, only ash as far as the eye could see, no wind disturbed the ash, ash was the only thing. they trekked into the land, eventually there was a flicker on the horizon, as they got closer they saw that it was fire, brilliantly bright, it lit up the night sky like a sun. in the middle of the circle of fire was something, through the fire and the flames they could catch glimpses of a small tree, something had been saved, there was still hope.

The travelers made regular visits to the tree, it grew slowly, but it still grew. Eons passed, and the tree grew. Eventually the tree stopped growing, and buds started breaking through the ash, MSI was reborn. The rebirth of MSI accelerated a lot, until the whole land was covered with small plants, there were clearings scattered around the land, where the ash stayed untouched. When all the plants had returned the ground trembled, great chasms appeared at the clearings, the ash fell away into these fiery pits, and out of the fire came new foundations for the great land of MSI to be rebuilt on, the recreation was complete. The world was good.

only two letters could explain this...


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Look at Your Hands

=nvm the pic=



hello, and welcome back to my blog, you five faithful readers!

(this one's for you, Jack)

so CADETS is back on again, and I'm all smiles, having my Monday afternoons, weekends and holidays untouched by any form of suffering through 'character development' exercises or extremely exhilarating lantern stalks. I can go back to my usual lazy self, sitting there playing xbox, without a care in the world. The skies are clear and the world is made of rainbows. no more cadets, no more worries.


since it is hard to write something as long as my previous post, i will be giving you a well studied list of entertaining, and stupid names (these are people's names, all of them, just their names, no titles):

Breece D'J Pancake

Depressed Cupboard Cheesecake

Pilot Inspektor Riesgraf-Lee

Ransom Love

Scientific Mapp

Urban Shocker

Wonderful Terrific Monds III

Mister Thorne

Number 16 Bus Shelter

Screaming Lord Sutch

Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii

World B. Free

Dick Assman

Harry Baals

Lucious Pusey

Crystal Ocean Supri Heavenly Blue Sky Hellman

Born God Supreme Thompson

Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced Albin)


and that's all it, see you next time, you five...

The Fall

There was once a majestic, glittering, peaceful getaway, inhabited by a small community of like-minded people. This pure sanctuary was a wonderful place, it was called MSI. But now it lies in ruins, an untouchable wasteland, where no living thing dares to go. How did it get into such a mess you may ask, well i have a theory...

a long time ago, in a term long since gone, there was an innocent little boy, called Callum Mitchell, this innocent boy was looking for adventure, something new, so he decided to go traveling the mountains of music-that-is-not-on-the-radio. He had heard stories of a golden palace high up in the mountains, from the village's arrogant music-fiend, Jack W. After only a short climb he stumbled upon a place, one were you could get away from everything, rebel, he had found MSI.

it didn't take long for the location of this perfect land to spread around the small, dull, dusty group of friends that Callum had, but it couldn't last forever. Soon, the last adventurer would make a fatal mistake, one that would bring ruin to this temple of awesomeness, Tim Sherrington Kenyon... would sing.

This seems harmless enough, just a little preaching about the wondrous, fruitful lands of MSI couldn't even hurt a fly, well you're wrong. One day, as Tim was reminding himself of the clean, beautiful land of MSI, someone overheard, someone became curious, someone wanted to come into this pool of epic, but it would be the destruction of a world, Phil became aware to the glory of MSI.

After a long, in-depth search, Phil found his way into this land. The walls crumbled into dust, flowers withered and died, the fall of MSI, was in full swing. The ground was torn open and a roar of static and radio music poured out into this land. This untouched plateau had become, COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

The few survivors of this apocalyptic event grouped together, and formed a small, temporary shelter just outside of the sanctuary of MSI, which had know turned into a raging storm. They watched in despair as the pillars that held up their very lives fell into the sands of despair, there was fire, and then, nothing...

For what seemed like an era these lost travelers wandered the mountains, cold and forgotten. Suddenly, out of the distance a light shone through the choking smoke of failure. they slowly stumbled forwards, desperately crawling towards this one beacon of hope.

The light became blinding, the travelers walking carefully now, they could no longer hear or feel the storm. the light slowly dimmed, to reveal a massive cavern of safety and eternity. These travelers had stumbled into the harmonic cave of - old MCR.